IAOS Bonus Items

EXCEL SPREADSHEET: OHD Age Correction for the Effects of Paleotemperature Changes (IAOS Bulletin No. 52)

EXCEL SPREADSHEET (UPDATED 02-09-2023): OHD Worksheet to Accompany A Summary of Obsidian Hydration Dating Science and Method for Archaeologists (See below)

PDF: Regional Temperature Modeling for the Upper Mojave Desert (IAOS Bulletin No. 59)

PDF: Attenuation of Temperature Variation with Depth in Desert Condition (IAOS Bulletin No. 59)

PDF: Obsidian Hydration Analysis Program Code (IAOS Bulletin No. 59)

PDF: Computation of a Hydration Rate for Bodie Hills Obsidian, from Mono County, Eastern California (IAOS Bulletin No. 59)

PDF: Laboratory Measurement of Hydration Rate for Napa Valley Obsidian (IAOS Bulletin No. 59)

PDF: A Physics-Based Hydration Rate for Queen Obsidian, Western Nevada (IAOS Bulletin No. 59)

PDF: A Summary of Obsidian Hydration Dating Science and Method for Archaeologists (2025 IAOS Update by Alexander Rogers and Christopher Stevenson)

DOC: How To Compute An Archaeological Age by Obsidian Hydration Dating (Microsoft Word printable pamphlet by Alexander Rogers and Christopher Stevenson).

A LOOK BACK AT THE 2021 INTERNATIONAL OBSIDIAN CONFERENCE: Due to the threat of COVID-19 and the cancellation of University of California-Berkeley in-person gatherings, the date of the 2021 International Obsidian Conference (IOC) was changed from April 10-13 to April 30-May 2, 2021. Hosted by the International Association for Obsidian Studies (IAOS), the Archaeological Research Facility (ARF), and Far Western Anthropological Research Group (FW), this event was virtual and free for participants and attendees. An updated copy of the IOC Program can be found HERE.

Thanks to Nico Tripcevich, lightly-edited video recordings of most of the 2021 IOC talks are now available on YouTube:

The 2021 IAOS Annual Meeting was also held in conjunction with the conference. To have a look at the minutes of the meeting, click HERE.


(last updated: 06-12-2019)

This spreadsheet of over 5,000 obsidian-related literature references was contributed by Chris Lloyd, a consulting exploration geologist currently living just outside of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Chris specializes in gold and silver geology and admits that he's also developed a certain obsession with obsidian. He moved from Canada to Mexico in 1994 and, after I asked him for a little background information, mentioned that his house is anchored to an outcrop of obsidian associated with the Primavera Caldera. Chris will be updating this listing from time to time and would very much welcome any contributions or comments concerning citations that are not yet in the spreadsheet. To see an online version of this list, see below.



In a clever adaptation of Chris Lloyd's obsidian literature spreadsheet (see above), Nicholas Tripcevich (Archaeological Research Facility - UCB) has ported the data over to Zotero, an easy-to-use online tool for organizing and searching research citations.


Last Updated: 02/15/2025
International Association for Obsidian Studies